Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Words that Make Me Laugh

The English language is a funny thing. Sometimes words are easy to figure out, sometimes they're not. Sometimes they're just funny shit.

What follows are some of my favorite funny words and what I think of them.

  • Lugubrious - meaning looking sad. Example: me + out of cigarettes = lugubrious
  • Loofah - that thing we use to get rid of dead skin. Sounds like a good name for a female rapper
  • Emu - a hilarious animal. A hilarious animal that likes to bite.
  • Onomatopoeia - is a word that sounds like what it means, like roar. Or piss.
  • Brouhaha - is an uproar, or what rude V:tM* players use to refer to the Brujah
  • Canoodle - to make out. Or to eat pasta. Or to eat pasta while making out
  • Skulduggery - some dirty handed shit. Or grave robbing.
  • Queef - vaginal flatulence. Oh god, how to describe this one. I love the scene in Family guy with Meg and Stewie in the bath tub. You get serious brownie points if you know what I'm talking about.
  • Cantankerous - being downright grouchy. In a wife beater.
  • Opossum - a nocturnal rodent-like animal. We call them possums. When they're dead in the middle of the road, I call them Oh! Possums.
Feel free to comment with some of your favorite funny words and what you think of them.

*Vampire: the Masquerade


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